Contribution org.nuxeo.dam.contentviews--widgettypes
In component org.nuxeo.dam.contentviews
inside nuxeo-dam-jsf-5.8.jar
This contribution is part of XML component Extension Point
Extension point widgettypes of component WebLayoutManager.Contributed Items
XML Source
<extension point="widgettypes" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">
<widgetType name="dam_listing_selection">
<title>DAM Listing Selection</title>
This widget type displays a selection checkbox, that will perform
ajax selection of given item, and the asset title.
It requires the following fields configuration:
first field maps the document model, it will be used to
display the title
second field maps the label used as the tooltip of the
document title
third field maps a boolean representing the selection state
fourth field maps the string identifier used to perform
It also requires the following variables to be present in the EL
provider: result provider used to get the list of items, its
name will be used.
listName: the name of the list that will hold selected items
<property name="template">